ECOOP: The Conference
ECOOP is Europe’s longest-standing annual Programming Languages (PL) conference, and welcomes high quality research papers relating to the PL field in a broad sense.
This year the conference will feature dedicated paper categories for reproduction studies, experience reports, reflective “pearls”, and forward-thinking “new idea” papers.
We are also pleased to have two Journal First routes for submission to ECOOP, with the ACM TOPLAS and Science of Computer Programming journals.
What’s with the OO?
The OO in ECOOP has traditionally stood for “object-oriented”. These days, while the conference absolutely welcomes papers that relate to OO, the scope of ECOOP is much broader and encompasses the Programming Languages field as a whole. Think of the conference as being called “ECOOP: the European COnference On Programming languages”.
Summer School

Origami Programming for Fun and Profit
Jeremy Gibbons

Operational Semantics driving the Type System Design: Reference Capabilities in Pony
Sophia Drossopoulou

Gillian: A General Static Analysis Framework based on Separation Logic
Philippa Gardner

Interactive Decentralised Software Made Easy
Mira Mezini

SM4E - Self-Marketing for Engineers
Chris Laffra

Crypto Pump-and-dump Schemes: Why Can’t We Have Good Things?
Ben Livshits

Remolding the development experience
Tudor Gîrba

How to design a programming language
Alan Blackwell

Modular Verification of C and Java Programs with VeriFast - Including Their I/O Behavior
Bart Jacobs

POPLOG -- a pioneering multi-language/multi-paradigm development toolkit born in the UK nearly four decades ago
Stephen Leach
ECOOP 2019
ECOOP registration is now open!
Accepted Papers
The accepted papers are available.
NEW for 2019:
- Alternative paper categories
- Journal First publication routes
See the Call for Papers for details.